Q & A with Eva
These are real questions I’ve been asked and if you have one, send me an email from the contact link. You might see it here.

A: No matter what kind of work I had, somehow it always included writing, however, I was in my mid-30’s when a little voice in my head shouted, “When are you going to stop saying you want to be a writer and do something about it.” I began reading, like a writer in the genre I wanted to write for: magazines. My first article paid a whopping $54. I was over the moon excited. I longed to have a best-selling book under my byline and that has happened with many nonfiction titles and my novel, Games of the Heart.
A: Next to the Bible? My favorite nonfiction book is Travels with Charley by Steinbeck. It’s earthy, timeless and should be mandatory reading for anyone who wants to write. My current favorite fiction writers in no particular order are: Annie Barrows, Sarah Addison Allen, Mario Giordano, Alexander McCall Smith, and Debbie Macomber, but that could change the next time I pick up a book.
A: I’m a good time manager, but when project deadlines loom, weekends, holidays and evenings find me at my desk in my home office. I love writing and nearly have to pinch myself that I’m paid to write. While it can be tedious at times and my backside does get tired, but writing is so much fun, it never feels like work.
A: My husband Joe and our family understand my passion for writing and they’re incredibly supportive. Our little Welsh terrier Zoey Rose? Not so much. We recently promoted her to Executive Director of Corporate Fitness since she’ll sit impatiently by my desk chair twice a day, dark chocolate-colored eyes begging for a long, long walk. Of course, I cave. I am an active volunteer with organizations such as Alzheimer’s Association and our church’s rockin’ high school bible study group. I love to garden, travel, read, paint (paintings, not houses), shop with my best friend Ellen, attend live theater and hang out with friends and family.
A: Next to my garden and hanging out in our beachy hometown of Carlsbad, California? That’s hard to decide. Joe and I have been blessed to visit more than 35 countries and since I teach and work online, I take my work along.
Recently I fell in love with Cartagena, Columbia, and delight in Venice, Italy; all the national parks; Nuku Hiva, one of the Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia; New Orleans, Honolulu, and Santa Barbara; the Greek Isles; and many other places. It’s thrilling to use my passports and meet new people, taste mesmerizing foods and experience exotic ways life.
I wish more people would travel because as Mark Twain once said, “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness.”
I travel for the unexpected, like wading into the Atlantic on a wild beach in Warnemünde, Germany; hiking in a moss-carpeted Croatian forest, nibbling brownies in Santorini and chatting with locals in Georgetown, Grand Cayman, while a chartreuse-colored iguana tried to elbow its four-foot-long self into the conversation, if iguanas have elbows. I’m smitten with travel and live a simple life to splurge on adventures.